Not such a good sleep. Heyho making up for the night before! After breakfast with Carolyn, set off for Cairnryan at 8.30. Easy route along the A75 took about an hour and arrived in good time. The mini and I were thoroughly searched at the port. A quick trip to the loo and fill up water bottle then just wait in the car in our lanes to drive on board. A beautiful calm day for the 2-hour crossing to Larne.

What an adventure! My mini and I in the middle of the Irish Sea and a beautiful warm day. This reminds me of my last ferry crossing from Picton to Wellington… same weather too!

it’s nearing 12 noon so decided to get some lunch before we dock at 1. An Ulster fry seems appropriate and I’m feeling quite hungry.

My goodness, how unhealthy! This is only allowed on holiday… very tasty though!
Back out on deck I see we are approaching the Irish coast. It is 2 years since I was here and really looking forward to seeing everyone. Before long I was back in my mini driving off the ferry ramp and heading along the coast road – the scenic route, as cousin Irene would say when she used to collect me from the airport.

The weather continues to be stunning as I stop at Ballygally to take in the fresh sea air. It’s good to see the rolling hills of Ireland again and this place conjured up many happy memories of years gone by.
I drove up to where one of my cousins had once lived and I had stayed many times. The cottage overlooking ‘The Maidens’ had been replaced with a large modern house and a couple more next to it. This was a prime site for such development but made me sad.

I motored on up to cousin Christine in Glenford Road. I heard the tennis on in the kitchen and called out through the open door. A familiar voice responded and there she was! It was so good to see her again and comfortingly little had changed here!
we caught up for an hour or so and then I helped her mow her vast expanse of lawn, suggesting that it would be a good idea to let it grow back as a meadow for the pollinators. I reminded her that I used to play around with Bess the skewbald pony in this field (her lawn) when I was just 10.

We sat in the sunshine with a glass of wine before sharing a pizza. Some kittens appeared which she said were about six weeks old and needed homing. I offered to smuggle one hone in the car!