Jessie invited me to join her and Hunter for a mini trek to the top of the hill that could be seen across the bay from Mary’s bach. Duly blocked out, as the sun is fierce in NZ, we walked briskly along the beach and across the rocks to a further little bay where there was a path ascending steeply up through a dense forest of tree ferns.
They decided I should set the pace in front as I kept stopping to take my breath and got further behind. It was a winding way up over roots and ferns til we were almost at the top. The ascent lessened as we made our way round the side of the hill stopping every so often, not only to slow our heart rate but to admire the stunning view of the bay below and the surrounding peninsula.
When we got to the summit I flung myself down on the grassy opening and just lay there for some time feeling the earth under me and listening to the utter peace (apart from the crickets). Thanks for inviting me along girls, the climb was certainly worth the view at the top!
We eventually returned more or less the way we came passing an amazing ancient tree on the way back. I was thankful to return to the Bach for a well-earned jug of water, my workout done for the day…. or so I thought….
We all chilled out for a bit, before the girls packed to return to Taupo – school and college in the morning. Then a tasty ham salad lunch with Malibu before my next surprise expedition. A short ride in the car (we could have walked actually except I was still recovering from the morning’s climb) and we turned into a parking area and the most beautiful beach with huge rollers that went on for ever.
I watched for ages as the warm summer wind whipped up the surf on top of each veridian roller as it gently curled over to crash down on to the previous one along the whole length of the beach. We sauntered along watching Oyster Catchers and a group of Terns, checking out interesting shells amongst the huge variety washed up on the white sand.
I delighted at the Hairy Panics quickly rolling towards the waters edge at each receding wave.
It was a huge beach and we walked the length of it and back again almost lost in time. Mary pointed out the set of jagged rocks beyond the headland that could also be seen from Little Bay but looked totally different from this angle. The cliffs at the edge of the beach were beautiful oranges and browns in a marbled effect formed by solidified volcanic lava.
We returned to the bach in time for the yardarm on the deck and then tucked into a delicious chicken and mushroom supper. The almost full moon rose up into the darkening sky, casting a silvery reflection across Little Bay.