I think I have died and gone to heaven when I open my eyes after a full 8 hours sleep in this comfy king size bed. The first thing I see is a wall to wall view of the ocean and the mountains beyond.
Cindy and Gary moved here some 25 years ago. Cindy and I were friends in the same village when Luke and Jack, Emily and Kerrie were babies. They have a beautiful house here in Victoria with decking the full length of the house with decking built around the top of a mature Arbutus tree. There are floor to ceiling windows also the full length of the house (some 100 feet or more) which frame the most stunning scene – pine trees, sea, mountains.
Cindy and I sat on the deck (at treetop level) enjoying a strawberry, banana and yoghurt breakfast followed by toasted scones, jam and coffee looking out to sea and chatting about everything.
Beau, Cindy’s retriever is asking for his walk, so along with Riley, a 3 year old little girl Cindy looks after sometime, we set off for Island View Beach. This place is so peaceful. There were 3 or 4 cranes fishing in the shallows and the day was becoming quite hot.
Cindy dropped me off at Butchart Gardens at mid day, and wow what a treat for the eyes! I spent about an hour wandering through stunning gardens…. Italian, Japanese, carpets of geraniums, stocks…. roses, delphiniums, even my beloved blue Tibetan Poppies… all manner of shape and size of botanical in extraordinary layouts and design.
Salmon chowder for lunch in a little restaurant and catch up with wif-fi over a cappuccino before Cindy arrives to collect me. Meanwhile Cindy had kindly put my jeans and zipped jacket and a few other well traveled items through the Laundromat, which we collected on the way home.
Next chill out with a cuppa…. before a nice light supper …. we are going out to the theatre to see the Calendar Girls this evening. An excellent production… so funny, and brilliantly well acted in a theatre not dissimilar from the one in Chipping Norton. Thank you Cindy – a great evening!
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