Wednesday 16 March – Mo’s ramblings on the bus back to Taupo

Rainy morning and cold – a mere 14 degrees, yikes, it really is beginning to feel autumnal.

Gill took me to the Interccity Wellington to Auckland bus at Johnsonville and we said our farewells and I hopped on for the six hour journey to Taupo – only £15!  A journey like that would probably cost £50 in the UK, I know it’s £25 for just a two hour ride to Heathrow!


An uneventful journey to Taupo, one or two pickups – first one at Levin. As it was pouring with rain we didn’t have our comfort stop at Foxton, where there was a windmill,

image but continued on to Bulls, then through Sanson. The rain has eased off now. Raining again as we pass through Hunterville. Stopped at Flat Hills Cafe where I had a mean lamb burger for lunch (recommended by the driver) – delish, and iPad was topped up with energy too!


Continued on through Mangaweka with those lovely bumpy hills returning to the landscape. imageimage image Apologies for note form and rather poor photos taken on a rainy day through coach windows as we sped along.  We passed through River Valley where I rode a horse through rivers and herds of deer 5 years ago. Picked up people at Taihape definitely looking brighter now. Toi tois are back! Just passed sign to Ohakune where Leigh used to teach  and now heading up the desert road.

image imageBlue sky appearing at last! ….Oh no, it’s raining again, absolutely no chance of seeing Ruapehu!  Pelting down now!! Looks pretty bleak out there – soggy tussocks.   Just saw the Kiwi Experience Bus ‘Anyone for the Tongariro Crossing?’ I don’t think so! There’s a blue bit up ahead, it must be Taupo. I think I see the lake bathed in sunshine… or is it a mirage I see before me….

image image No the sun is indeed shining on this side of the mountain. My goodness all that rain and it says high fire risk.   Now stopping at Turangi …or maybe not, no one waiting to hop on. Now it’s a beautiful day and looking really warm outside.  Many Pukeko pecking in the fields. Through Waitetako, and here’s beautiful Taupo Lake at last glistening in the sunshine.

image imageThrough Motutere and finally we pull up outside iSite and there is Leigh to meet me – good to be back ‘home’.

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