Burano Island

I thought I’d booked a private single room but shared it last night, and possibly the night before, going by the evidence on arm and face. But last night I heard the high-pitched buzzing round my ear. I had been warned about mozzies in Venice although I thought it rather early in the season. However I did buy some cure rather than preventative treatment, which I wiped over my face neck and arms during the night, and mummified the rest of my body in Alex’s clean linen sheet til morning.

little room4The sun beamed through my open shutters this morning and I felt a pang of sadness to be leaving my little room in the terracotta roof somewhere in Venice today. After croissant and latte (still can’t quite take to espresso this early) I said my farewells to Alex. He is so kind and offered to let me hang on to my key and leave my bags for the day as he had no one in my room tonight. I wish I’d known that as I tried through Hostelworld to add this date but the system said he was full. He said next time contact him direct for a reduced price. I said I would certainly recommend him and would maybe be back myself.

There were two boats to Burano. One in a few minutes via Saborina ( although I only knew that because of my map printout; the other direct to Burano in half an hour.P1010034 vaporetto3 I decided on the scenic route which also went via Lido and some other islands. It also had an open deck and was devoid of people! It was refreshing crossing the lagoon on deck in the cool breeze.

Finally arriving at Burano after about an hour and ten minutes, I just could not believe my eyes. burano3burano2burano1burano4lace3Every little house (and they were all very similar) was painted a different colour and really bright colours. I felt a song coming on “There were pink ones, there were green ones, and blue ones and yellow ones, and they were all made out of ticky tacky and they all looked just the same.”

I found myself a nice spot in the Piazza and ordered a Spritz and hot dog as it was by now around lunch time. It was very pleasant sitting there in the sunshine.

Do you know what this tree flower is Leigh? treeflowerswallow There were swallows swooping in and out underneath an archway feeding their young.  As I walked on round this sleepy little island I became increasingly aware of what a thriving industry lace- making had been here. In fact they seemed to be totally reliant on tourism as was most of Venice. I went into the lace museum and watched a movie in the cool of aircon about its history. By the time I hit the hot sun again, boatloads had arrived and what was a sleepy little town was now athrong with Americans and Chinese…. oh those Americans are so loud! I think I arrived just at the right time and was now ready to leave. I waited a few minutes for the no 14 line, which will take me to Ple Roma via Nova around the top of Venice so I will have covered all routes pretty much. I have to say this boat ticket is extremely good value! I still have a day left which I probably won’t use now and could pass to Dom if I see her.

I couldn’t see the campsite shuttle anywhere so caught the number 6 bus as originally on that stormy Saturday night then had to walk the last k in the heat. I was therefore very pleased to see that my twin cabin had pretty much everything I needed including en suite and air conditioning, nice laundered white linen sheets and towel. I have booked so much accommodation on this trip I couldn’t remember exactly what I was getting here. The Camping Jolly seems a well run site with swimming pool, laundry, supermarket, restaurant and bar.cabin

I now have all my washing done ready for Rome and Florence. The only problem is their Internet is down at the moment but hope to get a few blog postings up tomorrow. I plan to have a quiet day by the pool with a book before I take on two more major cities!

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