Another very hot day and not a cloud to be seen, but a gentle breeze just to make it more bearable.
Sliced oranges and raspberries, muesli, yoghurt, bread and honey, not to mention fried sausages and potato cakes adorned the table on the balcony. Natalie is really looking after me well!
It was so good to have a decent shower in Nathalie’s son’s en suite…. everything beautifully laid out, clean and modern and tasteful. ‘Coffee?’ Nathalie asked, while I was still trying to decide where to start with this amazing spread. My unwashed clothes that had been accumulating in the Sainsbury’s bag in my backpack now sat clean and folded on the kitchen table.
Today we are going to the lake up in the hills to relax and swim. Oh what joy not having to think about the next 24 hours at least. I have just had a swim… very cold and unusually for me taking a little while to get in. Nathalie went straight in. She swims here regularly after work and sometimes cycles up here from her apartment. She is so fit!
I meet a large water boatman of sorts at eye level as I gently glide out into the middle of the lake where Nathalie tells me it is warmer. There are many luminous giant dragonflies and a cygnet that seems to have become separated from its family.
We return around 4 via Nathalie lovely town of Zug and then spend the rest of the afternoon with our feet up watching the French Open final. We have beers and avocado dip… can this get any better?!
After an excellent match with Rafa winning, Nathalie and I went into Zug on the train; we just missed the bus! We walked down to the lake (there seem to be lakes everywhere). There were trees with flowers that I didn’t recognise. Do you know this tree Leigh?
Then past a small bird centre and into the old town. It was quite historic with decorative shuttered buildings lining cobbled streets. We chose a restaurant in one of these quaint streets to have our evening meal. This would be my last in Switzerland. We shared a bottle of good red wine from Tuscany to say our farewells – viva!! or in Swiss – prost!!
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