I didn’t sleep very well because I was so excited at meeting Kylie, the first of my scrabble friends, I hadn’t yet met! We have been playing scrabble on FB on and off for around 18 months and have got to know each other pretty well chatting during that time (see January post). Today I was actually flying into Brisbane and she was meeting me at the airport! It was another beautiful morning and, all packed, I had a quick slice of toast, fruit juice and tea. As there was no one about I thought I’d go for a last walk round the neighbourhood. I walked down to the railway where the bee swarm had been. Just a few bees still hanging around as the swarm had been relocated by a local beekeeper. I returned to find Melinda had just been out to the shops and hoped to return before I’d surfaced. Anyway I finally said my goodbyes to Melinda and Dennis.
They had been just wonderful to me and I would miss them very much. Melinda drove me back into the city for the last time and I boarded the plane for Brisbane. As the plane taxied ready for takeoff, I noticed stretches of water on either side, which was kind of strange. The runway must have been a peninsular out into the sea.
Who did I sit with this time I hear you ask. Well he was a very nice young man who was on business in Sydney and returning home to his family in Brisbane. He had two young children and they were all currently on the beach (he had just texted his wife). He was intrigued by my adventure and proceeded to tell me a little about Brisbane and its surrounds. Then our sandwich lunch came round and the short flight was over almost before we had time to finish our drinks.
As I stood at the top of the stairs to the baggage hall I suddenly caught sight of two arms waving frantically and straightway recognised Kylie and Ashling. Oh wow, I couldn’t believe I was actually here meeting them after all our planning and on-line chat. We just hugged and hugged (some hugs for Himali who I had hoped to pick up en route or at least visit in Sri Lanka). We were grinning from ear to ear as I waited what seemed like forever for my bag on the carousel. Finally it came and Ashling grabbed it (she already had my rucksack on her shoulder) and took them out to the car like she’d travelled the world. Ash is just thirteen years old!
We picked our way through the busy traffic and Kylie pointed out a few of the sights of the city before we got onto the open road to Warwick.
It was quite a drive but the distance was hardly noticeable as we chatted and chatted. There was just so much to talk about and the sun was going down by the time we neared the mountains, but oh what a sight.
The mountains were covered with trees that made them look prickly and were darkly silhouetted against the huge pink skies, as the sun finally disappeared and with it took the heat of the day.
We arrived ‘home’ to be greeted by Jera, Kylie’s son, who had been out for a two and a half hour bike ride that afternoon. We all enjoyed a delicious chicken casserole,
then I got to hear some of Jera’s musical talent, playing the guitar and singing. We continued to chat together until my eyes were beginning to droop from the excitement of the day and I finally fell into bed….. not even time to update my blog as I was asleep instantly. Needless to say, it is now the witchy hour so an opportunity to catch up.
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