Skyping with NZ

First face to face conversation with Leigh in New Zealand… how amazing is that.  We have messaged through scrabble for a couple of years now and here is how it all began.  Just playing on line scrabble with random people, Leigh and I just seemed to hit it off and one night in 2009 I was in serious pain from a suspected broken rib and developed a fever.  It was the middle of the night and Leigh became very concerned about me and took me to task!  Her support, while I phoned NHS Direct and got to see a doctor in the early hours, was just what was needed and all from the other side of the world – the wonders of the Internet!  This morning, we saw each other for the very first time on Skype and chatted like old friends (well not so much of the old!).  Get on and book those flights she said…..

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