Sunday – 6 March – off to South Island

We said our goodbyes to Leigh and Dan as they headed off back up to Taupo.  Thanks so much for bringing me down to Gilly’s Leigh.


Gill and I sat and chatted about travels – such kindred spirits!  The time went so quickly though and before we realised it we had to set off for the ferry.  On the way, we saw a mini version of the Kiwi Experience bus pulling a trailer.


imageimageIt was a beautiful crossing, calm but fairly windy out in the open ocean.  The time on board passed all too quickly.   By the time I’d had a walk about, sat in the sun on the top deck til it got too windy, and enjoyed some battered fish and a Sav, we were nearing Picton and a great opportunity for some photography.


imageimageimageimageimageThe Villa minibus was waiting outside the ferry terminal as expected and carried just two of us the 2 minute journey to the hostel.  The hostel looks just great and I managed to get a bottom bunk bed, always good to avoid shinning up and down the scaffolding to go to the bathroom in the night if required.  My fellow companions, 3 young girls and an older traveller like me are all very friendly, so all good.

I will now bid you goodnight and look forward to what Picton and the Marlborough Sound has to offer me tomorrow.

Will post pics of the hostel tomoz.

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