To Wildshonau Valley, Austria

Stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway about halfway to our Austrian ski lodge. Last night was so hot, I just didn’t sleep at all tossing and turning. The storm we were all longing for never arrived and we woke up to another beautifully sunny morning. No heat to deal with as we are straight onto the air conditioned bus at 8 am. This is the fullest the coach has been so far with nearly every seat taken. Previously there have only been about 10 of us. Most of these guys are going directly to Venice today, while I shall be stopping for 2 nights in the Austrian Alps just for a break from the city. The journey is pretty uneventful so far so will have a doze…..

We have been stuck in this very slow moving traffic jam now for about 40 minutes. Not sure what the problem is but it’s going to make these guys late getting to Venice this evening. I guess they’re all staying at Jolly Camping and not having to navigate the city so shouldn’t be a problem.

OP1000726k we’re moving now – seems some road had been closed off. It is looking cloudier outside now but we are heading towards the Alps which I can now see towering ahead. Many Tyrollean style houses now that we’ve left the freeway. Back on the freeway again – must have just been a detour but at least out of jams now!

P1000730Finally arrived in idyllic Tyrollean setting high in the mountains an hour and a half later than planned! This is no problem for the 6 of us who are staying here as we have the rest of the day to explore or just chill out. This is our ski lodge.  ski lodgeAfter claiming my bottom bunk in a dorm for 4, I headed up the road towards the gondola. Finding it closed for lunch, I popped into a small supermarket for some snacks which included a miniature bottle of Pear schnapps. Then i joined a family who were also waiting for the gondola. They had the most beautiful blue merle Lassie type collie… a good conversation starter! It seems they were on holiday from Insbruck. I made up the numbers with another family to fill the 2nd gondola car. The views as we went higher just got better and better. I explored a bit at the top. There was a small farmyard with goats and chickens and bar where you could get your beer or schnapps.goat I met this little guy on the hillside!

I was just sitting down high up on a bank when who should come along but Dominique. She was also staying at the ski lodge but was in a different room this time. We both enthused over the wonderful panoramic views and wondered if we were high enough to be in view We walked up to the tiniest and cutest little church ever, perched way up on the mountain. It had a modern stained glass window and a little bell in it’s own tiny bell tower on the roof.P1000763 Inside there were 6 pews, 3 each side to seat 2 people each. Tiny little side windows had views right across the valley of Wildenshoenau. I would like to paint this… maybe tomorrow.

The colours of the mountain landscape and sky seem to change very quickly and, for a while bright and warm with white fluffy clouds, soon became navy blue, menacing and with quite a chill in the air. condola2We took the gondola back down the mountainside together sensing a storm may be brewing and wandered through the little village of Niederau. Before returning to the hostel to watch a movie. Still no storm,  just three drops of rain…. maybe during the night….

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