Very nice roast chicken dinner in the hostel last night for 8 euros including a glass of wine. met up with a few more travelers, one Chinese girl with an American accent was a bit full of herself! Reasonable night’s sleep after brief thunder storm. Fabulous had very kindly remembered to bring in his favourite rucksack for me to borrow for my 3 days in the mountains so that I could leave my wheelie in the hostel lockup for my return on Thursday.Here is a view of Menaggio as we leave on the ferry. and Varenna as we arrive.
I met Warren, an Australian, waiting for the ferry to Varenna. He was travelling around Italy before meeting up with his daughter in Scotland. We walked up the hill in pretty Varenna to the train station, where he went in the opposite direction to Milan, while I met up with a German couple going on the same train as me to Tirano.
Although they were from Dusseldorf, they were able to tell me all the best places to visit during my forthcoming visit to Munich…. must make notes, English gardens, tower of St Peter in main square, etc. They got off at the next stop for the scenic walk back. I am now snaking round the lake towards Tirano. It is a public holiday so no ticket offices open so hope all will be well when I get there. These trains are huge but hardly anyone on them. it sounds a bit like a steam train as it chugs along the mountainside in and out of tunnels. Although it started cloudy after a wet night, the sun has just come out. Maybe I didn’t need all these extra clothes for the possible zero conditions in the mountains. I hope the weather stays clear for the panoramic Bernina Express!
That’s good, the conductor has just given me a ticket on the train – 7 euros only for an hour and a half! Also she showed me where the toilet is… all good so far. But she said at Tirano I must go to a different station to get to St Moritz…. Why is it wherever I go, when I try so hard to speak their language, they always reply in English, this makes me feel so inadequate… why do I bother?! Anyway so far it is very easy to get about on public transport.
Now traveling away from the Lake between the mountains. Amongst the forests there are large area of vineyards on the steep slopes as far as the eye can see, making even patterns like green sticks side by side. I can see the snow capped mountains behind.
Arrived at Tirano… now have to make a choice: regular mountain train leaving in 10 minutes or Panoramic leaving in 2 and a half hours. I think probably the regular but will just check with Carole who is picking me up what will suit her best. 25 euros to St Moritz and it will take two and a half hours. Silly me I should have brought a snack lunch.
Wow we go over 126 bridges and as many tunnels…and pass 26 communities. Lots of bells rattling…. We are going higher and higher… So exciting!! Wow and triple wow – the scenery is just awesome. Lots of irrigation going on, logging, fast flowing rivers tumbling over rocks. Very steep incline and much screeching as this train makes its tortuous way up the mountain. Wish the’d turn the heating down… very hot in here but bet its cold outside.
Wow a Beautiful blue lake high in the mountains… going to sit back and enjoy for a while…
Through settlements the single railway track runs alongside the road and the driver blows the horn which sounds more like a bird of prey. I think the heating has changed to aircon now, much better! Just wondering if I am in Switzerland or still Italy. Ah my phone now says Swisscom. The buildings have certainly become more Alpine. Wild flowers in abundance up here… pinks, purples, yellows, whites..
Now at snow level…. wow, it is so beautiful up here…. and no people ! Sometimes shear drops far into the distance. This is a roller coaster of a ride sometimes turning sharply as your stomach continues over a deep and huge ravine……. just making brief notes here to research later…..
Lake Palu and glacier – Alp Grum.
2256 metres above sea level Bernina is the highest of Rhatische Bahn stations
We wait for a train coming the opposite way and it looks like a dinky toy against the humongous mountain. Oh oh suddenly dark blue gentian everywhere. Turquoise blue glacier steams all around…. just so beautiful here… and the sun is shining. I am soooo lucky!!! The scenery just takes your breath away.
Carole and her boyfriend, Renato, were there on the platform at St Moritz and showed me a little of the town before we stopped off at Aldi for provisions. Finally we drove through the valley of Engadin to Chapell Camping where I would be staying. I am in a dream!!! I can’t put pics from my camera on here because I left my netbook in the lock up in Menaggio so mobile phone pics will have to suffice for the next 3 days. (have now been able to borrow Carole’s laptop.) Here are a few to for today of the beautiful blue Gentian growing in abundance all around my tipi, my accommodation for the next 3 nights in the forest, and some views.
Sorry if pics sometimes go in wrong way round or spelling is bad, sometimes I’m just updating from my mobile.
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