By bedtime last night there were five of us girls in the room 2 from Chili who were friends, one from New Zealand, one from Russia and me – UK! Very comfortable bed in room with en suite so lucky for first night at least, although not sure who I will be sharing with tonight as some of them may be moving on. Here is a view of the Exupery Gardens Hostel.
The hostel offers a good continental breakfast. I was picked up by my brother at 10 in his beautiful new BMW sports car as arranged. Martin lives near Nice and offered to take me to Vence and nearby villages today and it was a thrill to be traveling in style on such a beautiful sunny day. We went first to the village of Vence St Paul, very pretty narrow steep cobbled streets with art galleries in abundance. We stopped for coffee in one of these quaint little streets in the by now hot sunshine.
We then moved on to Vence where we wiled away a few hours over a delicious lunch in a street cafĂ© and put away a carafe or so of vin rouge! Then we walked some distance in search of the Matisse Chapel. Unfortunately when we finally arrived we found it to be closed. I should have thought this would be the case as it was a French Bank Holiday ah c’est la vie. I was very disappointed but had spent a very special day en Provence with my brother.

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