Lazy Day

Another day off to chill!! A real lazy day, staying in bed late…. so late that I played a scrabble move with Kylie while updating the blog and was eventually brought tea in bed… I think this could have been a small hint (but it was so nice)! Ashling and Kylie both joined me as I put the last few pics in the blog, which was cool. As I took my smart diamond-encrusted Rolex watch off to shower, I lost the little pin again. Oh but what the heck, who needs time, we’re on holidays!

Avocados on toast with coffee in the sunshine while my hair dried. They don’t seem to do hairdriers anywhere in this country… guess they’re not necessary – it’s already 25 degrees!

There’s really not a great deal to write today…. we read our books, played scrabble, chatted, played a real life game of Wordsearch, chatted some more.

We had a spot of lunch, some leftovers from last night, so nothing much to do there, in fact Ash very kindly brought it to us so we didn’t even have to get up from our horizontal positions on cushions and sofa!

“Flat out like a lizard drinking mate!”

Oh yes, this afternoon I actually got out my sketchbook and did a couple of rather bad sketches, but it got my creative juices flowing a bit…. maybe try some painting soon.

I suddenly heard a bell ringing outside. When I questioned this, Kylie told me it was the ice cream man:

I scream, you scream, we all scream for “Home Ice Cream”

so his slogan goes.

A beautiful evening for a walk round Kylie’s garden smelling the roses……


…..and the obligatory mailbox!

Hmm…. dinner this evening. I did peel the potatoes which were to be grated to make Rosti. Kylie is such a good cook and enjoys cooking for her family. It’s so nice to be part of that. Tonight along with the Rosti, we had blade steak and salad.

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